Aquarelle > Pure White roses and red panda cuddly toy

Pure White roses and red panda cuddly toy

Pure White roses + red panda cuddly toy

Product pictured : 25 stems

Delivery price: €11.60

I add a gift:
Total : €65.00

Product description

White roses and a cuddly toy for a birth!
For your birth gifts, Aquarelle has thought of everything with this pretty, simple and elegant bouquet, made up of fair trade 'Athena' white roses to delight the young mother, accompanied by an adorable red panda cuddly toy!

Instructions for care

How to keep cut roses fresh
These fresh flowers will travel in a non-spill vase designed especially by Aquarelle to keep the stems in water during transport.

The following care tips, which will be included with your order, will help your recipient enjoy this bouquet for as long as possible:
  • Cut the tie surrounding the stems
  • Clean the stems, removing any leaves that will be immersed in water.
  • Trim the stems according to the height of your vase.
  • Fill the vase with fresh water.
  • Add the sachet of plant food provided.
  • Change the water and trim the stems every 2 days